Huawei P30 and P30 Pro – Launch event in Paris 2019 in pics, videos and words

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Words are in chronological order to the event:

CEO Richard Yu is Huawei’s presenter for the event. (This guy has an unwittingly funny appearance. He both talks and grunts in small burst. Nearing on being not understandable english. But somehow he gets through the presentation without being boring. So that’s better than what you can say for most other Top-level CEO presenters! And personally I grew to like him during the presentation :-)) See some video examples futher down:

Lineup presented:
P30 Pro
But no P30 lite? (Came later in 2019)

P30 series comes in “Nature colors”: Breathing crystal, Amber sunrise, Aurora, Pearl White, Black.

Huawei P30 and P30 Pro comes in beautiful colors

Theme: “Rewrite the rules of photography”.

“RULE BREAKING photography” claims Huawei.

Business best and most advanced photography claims Richard Yu.

RYYB instead of RGGB for more light intake. (This is the grounds for the claim of “Rewrite the rules of photography”)
Also 125% bigger sensors size than competition as Samsung and iPhone
Exceptional low light sensitivity iso 409600 !! See picturea. ((Applause from the audience)).
Better than human eye says Richard Yu.

Huawei P30 and P30 Pro has exceptional low light performance! ((Applause from the audience again)). Incredible night shots… “With the P30 and the P30 pro you can see the Galaxy – the Milky Way. But you cannot see the Galaxy with the Samsung Galaxy” was the Richard Yu’s comical highpoint for the afternoon! 😀 (or at least that’s how the joke should have been put together… Richard Yu just mumbled or grunted something along those lines.)

Huawei monster hybrid zoom abilities! – Optical, digital and hybrid. 
Huawei incredible zoom 50 times
P30 and P30 Pro has very good ultrawide

See example of video stabilization for optical video combined with AIS in the pictures. (Dual OIS and Hauwei AIS)

Dual-view video mode allows for simultaneous video capture! – A professional camera cannot do this as it has only one lens! Huawei has 4 lenses which. See the video example.

Huawei P30 and P30 pro upgrades:

Huawei P30 and P30 pro gets an all round upgrade of performance from last generation.

Huawei P30 and P30 Pro supports dual sim but not with added sd card.

Industry leading battery life.
Super fast fast charge.

(Richard Yu talks so much I bet he even talks in his sleep :-D)

Huawei P30 and P30 pro gesture navigation (Almost the same as the abandoned Nokia N9 with Meego had in 2011 – but now it’s new again… :-D)

Huawei accessories products and prices

Huawei Share OneHop – transfer documents, photos and videos between pc and phone with one touch. Looking forward to see how that works in real life!! 😀

Huawei also introduced Freelace bluetooth earplugs that your tech friend predicts will fail! And some “smart glasses” called Gentle Monster, which didn’t seem to have any apparent use?? – Other than perhaps as being the ultimate spy-glasses B-) But time will tell…

Huawei P30 and P30 Pro lineup and prizes 2019

Huawei P30 prize
Huawei P30 pro prize

Consider buying a P30 through Amazon by clicking here

I get 10 % of whatever you buy on Amazon if you shop via this link. So thank you very much


Huawei throughout the event constantly compared the P30’s to the iPhone Xs Max and Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus, almost leaving the audience to feel bad for the competition, because of the constant hammering 😮

The P30 Pro wants to outdo everybody else! Better, better, better in every spec seems to be the motto! And that MONSTER of a camera!! It all makes for a strong Huawei phone! – On paper at least!

– Your tech friend will investigate how the phone fares in ordinary use! Review coming up within a given time period. Then our team will test it, and give you our thoughts on how it fares in ordinary use?
As user oriented tech reviews is our thing!

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