Thank you EVER SO MUCH 🙂 Please like and comment the work even more. It takes a lot of time and effort – especially the REVIEWS.LIKE & SUBSCRIBE Please help me GET TO A 100 SUBSCIBERS by SUBSCRIBING, so I can get a unique URL from Youtube (you know – all the rules…) 35 SUBS…Continue Reading “100.000 channel views on YouTube for Your tech Friend”
Just happy and celebrating! 🙂 Your tech Friend’s Youtube channel has passed 90.000 views. Subscribe to the Youtube channel here. Please help me GET TO A 100 SUBSCIBERS by SUBSCRIBING, so I can get a unique URL from Youtube (you know – all the rules…) 35 SUBS as of the start of the channel 1….Continue Reading “More than 90.000 channel views! Thank you very much ❤️🙏”
Channel info for your tech friend: Usability focused reviews, unboxings and tech talks. My name is Brian and I live in Denmark, where I am currently studying Innovation and Entrepreneurship. ​Previously I have worked as an IT-Supporter and as a Musician plus various other jobs. Please help me GET TO A 100 SUBSCIBERS by SUBSCRIBING,…Continue Reading “Channel info for your tech friend on Youtube”